How to Choose a Quality Flowerhorn

How to Choose a Quality Flowerhorn

Choosing a quality flowerhorn have a challenge for flowerhorn fish hobbyist. Enjoyment of maintaining flowerhorn obtained by choosing a good candidate flowerhorn fish during fry. Flowerhorns are widely available in the market, almost every shop ornamental fish provide 2-3 flowerhorns but not all of them which are marketed have criteria that good quality, so before you buy flowerhorn it is a good idea to read the following tips that will explain about how to choose a quality flowerhorn fish.
  • Water Head
You want to keep a big kok/head flowerhorn then you must know what kind of head that your flowerhorn has. Water head flowerhorn depends on its gene, so what ever food you give to flowerhorn if it doesn’t have water head kok then you will suffer loosing money to give him special food. Forehead has already seen, wide and a little bend kok are the criterias that you must seek. If you see the forehead tranparantly then it should have a big kok when it gets adult stage. Caution: don’t buy flowerhorn that has no bend at all on forehead thus you will get dissapointed. You can see my video how to make flowerhorn kok bigger at here.

  • Full Pearl
Another criteria how to choose a quality flowerhorn that flowerhorn should has full pearl on its body, there are many types of pearl in flowerhorn, worm pearl, corn pearl, sand pearl, and hologram pearl, although the difference is quite obvious pearl but they still have the same beauty. Essentially choose flowerhorn with pearl, the more amount of pearl (full pearl) more quality.

  • Marking
How to choose a quality Flowerhorn : Flowerhorn generally have black markings etched into the body unless golden base or free marking flowerhorn. Golden Base flowerhorn does not have the marking, but even so the golden base still has an advantage even without marking. You must choose one that has a thick and black graphic marking on the base of the tail fin to the head, engraving marking varies greatly resembles some form of letters, numbers, and stars.

  • Body
The ideal body shape of flowehorn is wider body rather round and thick but not elongated, do not choose flowerhorn that has thin and long body.

  • Colour
The beauty flowerhorn also seen in color, red in the gills to belly up to the fin on the brighter and sharper indicate that flowerhorn ia more qualified so do not choose flowerhorn when the red color faded, although to sharpen the red color faded it can be overcome by feeding good food, but somehow faded colors will reduce the value of the beauty of a flowerhorn.

  • Eyes
Flowerhorn great traits can also be seen in its eyes that there is a red circle eyeball, then its eyes must have same size both left and right.

  • Guts and Aggresive
Flowerhorn is the type of aggressive fish nimble and agile, try to put your hand into the aquarium and move your hand to the right and left if flowerhorn interacts directly to follow the movement of your hands it is a sign that the fish has a nice guts and aggressive, but if instead it silent or even afraid it was a sign that it does not have a good guts or may already be in a state of pain or stress.

  • Fin
The top fin form of a good flowerhorn is going up and not fold up or face down, rising top fin indicates that the fish has a character that is brave and aggressive, while when choosing fin tail form section, choose a shape expands like a big triangle or half circle and there are lots of pearls and nothing ripped slightest.

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